Students contribute posters
Students in the lab
If you think that EU research has nothing to do with students, think again. Efthimia Koutsoumpari and Anastasia Chouliara, are undergraduate students of material sciences, who took part in placements at Creative Nano, which is an SME partner in our project.
Their work contributed to the creation of two posters that were presented at the Athens Conference on Advances in Chemistry 2022, which was held from 26 June – 1 July 2022 in Athens, Greece. The posters were presented by Katerina Mavronasou from Creative Nano as the students had a scheduling conflict.
You can view the posters on Zenodo:
Poster 1, SbD4Nano “A Safe by Design Approach for the Synthesis of a TiO2-based Paint for the Photocatalytic Degradation of Pollutants under Visible Light”
Poster 2, Partner projects SABYDOMA / NanoPAT “Use of a 3D printed auxiliary module for the quality improvement of Ni-P/SiC nanocomposite coatings”
Download poster session program.
By the way, we also have a network for early career researchers, established by the ASINA project, but also open to others. More info:
#EarlyCareerResearchers #SafeByDesign