SbD4Nano Factsheets

The Sb4Nano project has developed 13 factsheets that answer the questions “Why should I adopt SSbD?” and “How can I apply SbD?”. They introduce how the SbD concept can be integrated into innovation, providing added value to researchers and industry as they approach the market.

All factsheets are easily accessible and can be downloaded as well as printed individually by interested stakeholders.

within Supply Chain

Why SbD can appear different for different actors in the supply chain of a chemical product but still align with the Safe Innovation Approach being used by the OECD. 

Integration of Safe-by-Design
with Innovation Models

Discussion on the way SbD activities can overlap with innovation models, allowing users to plan and organise their SbD activities.

Overlap of Safe-by-Design
with current and future risk governance

How the use of SbD during innovation can feed into existing regulatory actions and may play an intrinsic role in future ones.

What is Safe-by-Design
and where the SbD4Nano project fits

Why nanomaterials are a good case study for SbD and how the SbD4Nano project has developed tools to facilitate this.

Economic drivers
to adopt Safe-by-Design

Economic gains a company can make if SbD is adopted into their innovation process.

Role of surface chemistry
in Safe-by-Design

Reducing toxicity, ecotoxicity and exposure by intentional surface modification of different nanomaterials.

Exposure estimation
to enable Safe-by-Design

The NEQ (Nano Exposure Quantifier) SbD tool demonstrated in a case study that reduces exposure and risk by surface modification of nanomaterials.

eNanoMapper database

The database of results from the SbD4Nano project that is now accessible for users when using the SbD4Nano e-infrastructure.

eNanoMapper Data Template tools
for FAIRification

Data templates used in eNanoMapper that ensure data is findable, accessible, interoperable and re-usable allowing results from different sources to be compared and integrated.

Industry perspective
on Safe-by-Design

A survey of industrial project partners, combined with other surveys, highlighting positive perspectives about SbD and where barriers still exist.

Social drivers
to adopt Safe-by-Design

How not applying SbD during innovation has placed costs on society. In addition, how SbD and New Approach Methodology for toxicology can develop in synchronicity.

Success stories
from SbD4Nano

Case study showing how SbD was applied in a real-life industrial scenario to reduce exposure and cost.

A network of causal relationships linking the chemistry of a nanomaterial to their toxicology

The complex relationship between physicochemical properties and key toxicological events and how machine learning can be used to interpret such data intensive networks.